Things To Do
Peoria Curiosities
If you peruse Peoria real estate listings, you may have noticed a beautiful, historic church for sale on North East Madison Avenue. It's listed as single family residential.
The "Abraham Blue" mural on the Peoria County Courthouse is getting an update.
Useful Stuff
Whether it's through donation, recycling or upcycling, business owners in Peoria and beyond want to stop people from throwing out their old clothes.
Representatives from the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT), Peoria County and City of Peoria say they’ll still have crews working 24 hours a day to get roads cleared during snowstorms.
The People Of Peoria
A Dunlap woman is back home in Illinois after taking part in one of the world’s most grueling endurance horseback races on a different continent.
Community members gathered in the prayer hall as Thich Tinh Nghia led prayers and chants in Vietnamese, pausing occasionally to add an English translation for visitors.
More Welcome Home Stories
Getting a new small business off the ground can be challenging for anyone. Often, women face more obstacles and need to handle extra responsibilities compared to their male counterparts.
There are many vibrant cultural communities in the Peoria area, but not all are as well represented as the Filipino American Society of Central Illinois, or FASCI.
Boosted by aspiring performers and open-mic nights, Peoria's vibrant local comedy scene is on the rebound after struggling during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Music, in many ways, can be timeless and span generations. Tunes like “God Bless the USA'' and “Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy” are still heard today, serving as a sentimental reminder of the past. And, if you're especially lucky, you may be able to catch the Peoria Area Senior Citizens Band (PASCB) playing those very tunes during one of its concerts.
A photography project 20 years in the making aims to capture people's lives through their things, from remote parts of rural China, to the streets of San Jose, to the front yard of a Metamora neighborhood.
The Peoria County Regional Office of Education has added another branch to its Early Learning for All (ELFA) initiative that now includes home visits. ELFA is currently known for their Preschool for All program, which is funded through the Illinois State Board of Education's Early Childhood Block Grant.
While people who have received a cancer diagnosis are likely familiar with traditional support groups, there’s a unique organization in Greater Peoria for breast cancer survivors that offers both support and the ability to reduce their risk for cancer recurrence.
When you think of Peoria, fashion may not be the place that comes to mind. But a long-running and passionate fashion scene exists in Peoria and a new event aims to raise the visibility of some local designers.
Moss Avenue is fast becoming a magnet for artists from around the country.
A Peoria transplant is officially planting her roots in the River City with the opening of her new art studio, Category-Art.