Republican State Senator Jil Tracy of Quincy believes that gun bans won’t prevent school shootings and other acts of violence.Tracy says knives, pipe…
The Peoria County Coroner has released the name of the teenage boy who was shot and killed Sun. Coroner Jamie Harwood’s office has identified the victim…
Groups are working with the city of Springfield to expand youth programs this summer.The efforts come after an uptick in shootings as summer began. The…
Chicago police say the number of homicides and shootings dropped significantly in May compared to the same month last year when the totals helped turn…
The City of Peoria saw an increase in shootings last year but fewer homicides. Peoria Police Department Data shows a 40% increase in shootings. There were…
An analysis of the homicide toll in Chicago in August shows that it was the deadliest month in the city in two decades. Young African-American men are the…
Champaign police now believe two weekend shootings that left one man dead and four people wounded were not related. Police initially said the Sunday…
Police statistics show that nearly 15 people were shot in Chicago every day during June, including a daily average of more than two who died. The…
The Peoria County Sheriff is asking parents to talk with their teens about attending year-end parties that included alcohol.Three young adults were shot…
The Chicago police chief sent his "best Guy" into a deadly neighborhood known for it's shootings. Commander Glenn Evans sharply reduced shootings in the…