Republican candidate for Governor Jeanne Ives says she didn't like what she saw this week when students walked out their classrooms to lobby for gun…
Unopposed in Tuesday's GOP primary, Bill Fawell is preparing to start his campaign for Congress in earnest next month. He'll run against Democratic…
In the final days of the Democratic primary election for Illinois governor - Daniel Biss is once again calling on his main rivals to release their full…
Illinois Governor Bruce Rauner is not saying whether he plans to sign a bill that requires gun dealers to be licensed by the state.Rauner says he’s been…
A religion professor at the University of Illinois says infrastructure would be one of his top priorities if he’s elected to Congress this fall.Jon Ebel…
State Treasurer Mike Frerichs returned home to Champaign County today to announce he’s backing State Senator Kwame Raoul in the crowded race for state…
All the Democratic candidates for governor except Robert Marshall support a graduated state income tax in Illinois. But only Tio Hardiman and State…
Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle is endorsing fellow Democrat J-B Pritzker for Illinois governor.That’s even though Pritzker is taking heat…
The Republican candidates for Illinois governor met before the Chicago Tribune editorial board Monday for their only joint-appearance of the primary…
A southern Illinois Democrat in a crowded race for governor is making the case that he's got the best chance of winning in November.Bob Daiber is a former…