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Clinton visits Chicago to win support of black voters

Democratic Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton is in Chicago today trying to win support among black voters.  Clinton stood in front of a group of mostly black Chicagoans with Geneva Reed- Veal, the mother of Sandra Bland who was found dead in a Texas jail cell last year after a traffic stop.

Clinton spoke at the same time as Illinois Governor Bruce Rauner was giving his second budget speech.

"Your governor has refused to start budget negotiation unless his so called turnaround agenda gets passed first. Now his plan would turn Illinois around, alright - all the way back to the time of the robber barons at the end of the 19th century!"

Missing from the stage, and from Clinton’s remarks, was Mayor Rahm Emanuel who has been struggling to regain support from the black community.  The mayor’s office says Emanuel’s trying to rearrange his schedule to attend her evening event.