A resource officer at Peoria High School faces scrutiny, following a controversial Facebook post.
Officer Ryan Schubert posted a comment Mon. that says he wants to urinate on a statue of Martin Luther King Jr. -- though, in more vulgar terms.
In response, Peoria Public School's Superintendent Sharon Desmoulin-Kherat issued a written statement that says the post "doesn't align with the district’s core values.”

A PPS spokesman wouldn’t say whether Schubert would be removed from the job, as personnel issues are exempt from the Freedom of Information Act.
Peoria NAACP President Rev. Marvin Hightower is scheduled to meet with Central’s principal Tues.
Schubert responded to the public outcry Monday evening and apologized in a subsequent Facebook post.
"I will no longer post anything in response to views," he said. "I am truly sorry."