Na'Allah said the disparities are even starker when looking at outcomes among women of color and in rural communities. For her, America's health care system is one of the prime culprits.
About one in five people who contract COVID-19 suffer from new or lingering symptoms of the virus weeks or even months after their initial infection. It's a condition the medical community now calls "long COVID."
Pritzker signs slate of public safety bills into law in Peoria, including co-responder pilot programBehavioral health co-responders will be working with law enforcement in four Illinois cities by the end of this year.
The month of April usually marks the end of flu season. But this year, it's springing back at an unusual time.
The healthcare organization plans to convert the 16-acre property at 2223 W. Heading Ave. into the Child and Adolescent Behavioral Health Center.
UnityPoint will pay between $8 to 10 million for the West Peoria facility, depending on the amount of state and federal funding they can secure. That's far less than the $42 million in bonds issued to pay for its construction.
UnityPoint Health is temporarily suspending elective procedures as COVID patients tax hospital capacity to its limits.
Hospitals cope with a skyrocketing COVID-19 caseload as Tri-County region adds 1,800 cases in 2 daysThe hospital systems serving the Tri-County are battling a massive COVID-19 surge as active cases in the region topped 5,000 this week for the first time in more than a year, with more than 1,800 new infections reported from Tuesday to Thursday.
Peoria-area hospitals are at or near capacity as COVID-19 cases surge across the region.
The Peoria Planning and Zoning Commission has unanimously approved a proposal to convert the former Methodist College building on St. Marks Court into 55 permanent supportive housing units for people experiencing homelessness.