A state senator has officially thrown his hat into Illinois' high-profile and expensive governor's race.Republican state Sen. Sam McCann says he filed…
The Illinois House has sent the governor a measure raising public school teacher salaries to a minimum of $40,000 a year.The House voted 65-47 Wednesday…
The Illinois House has voted against increasing the smoking age from 18 to 21.The plan fell four votes short despite passing the Senate in April. It would…
The Illinois House has approved legislation to create a procedure to temporarily confiscate guns from people threatening violence.The House voted 80-32…
Illinois Republican Party officials say they've reached an agreement to share leadership of the party, heading off a weekend fight between moderates and…
Gov. Bruce Rauner is seeking "common ground" with Republicans on divisive issues after barely surviving an insurgent challenge in Tuesday's election.…
Illinois Governor Bruce Rauner says he’s considering moving some residents out of a state-run veterans’ home troubled by Legionnaires’ disease.That’s…
The Republican candidates for Illinois governor met before the Chicago Tribune editorial board Monday for their only joint-appearance of the primary…
The state representative challenging Governor Bruce Rauner in next year’s Republican primary is proposing several changes to Illinois’ pension…
A Democratic lawmaker has filed petitions to challenge longtime Secretary of State Jesse White in the Illinois primary. Sen. Michael Hastings of Tinley…