The law already passed the Senate on May 31 by a 40-17 vote and it passed the House Wednesday by a vote of 75-40.
Illinois residents across the state, and across party lines, largely support more gun regulations. That’s according to the results of an NPR Illinois -…
SPRINGFIELD - Illinois State Police officials have come up with several reforms designed to make it harder for people to keep guns after losing their…
Illinois Governor Bruce Rauner says the state should be able to execute those who kill police officers or commit mass shootings. The Governor proposed...
Gov. Bruce Rauner has a track record of handing the toughest topics to small bipartisan panels of legislators. These “working groups” have been tasked...
Two Illinois Congressmen talked bi-partisan politics and policy Wednesday at Bradley University. The Institute for Principled Leadership and Dirksen…
Republican State Senator Jil Tracy of Quincy believes that gun bans won’t prevent school shootings and other acts of violence.Tracy says knives, pipe…
Republican candidate for Governor Jeanne Ives says she didn't like what she saw this week when students walked out their classrooms to lobby for gun…
Illinois Governor Bruce Rauner is not saying whether he plans to sign a bill that requires gun dealers to be licensed by the state.Rauner says he’s been…
Maureen Malloy is a criminal analyst for the Cook County Sheriff’s office. Her job is to try and stop gun violence before it happens...every workday she…