The nursing home industry is fighting legislation that would require them to have higher staffing levels — and greater penalties if they don’t meet them.
Illinois’ long-term care ombudsman tracks complaints and looks out for residents of nursing homes. But the ombudsman has her own complaint. She says state agencies that regulate nursing homes are ignoring her.
New legislation would deal with two problems she keeps hearing about: low staffing levels, and discharging residents to hospitals. That second practice, known as “dumping,” also blocks patients from coming back.
Matt Hartman represents the nursing home industry. He says anecdotal complaints from the ombudsman’s office are not reliable data.
“You need to go where these discharges are handled and who oversees them, and that’s the Department of Public Health.”
The Illinois Department of Public Health has the authority issue to violations to nursing homes. The stage agency has not responded to the ombudsman’s comment that her complaints are being ignored.