“Hope and Change” were the key words uttered by Illinois’ Republican governor, during a stop in Peoria on Tues.
Gov. Bruce Rauner was speaking before a group of about 50 all-white supporters during a campaign-style rally at Brewers Distributing, a locally-owned Anheuser-Busch distribution center. Rauner told his constituents he’s trying to change Illinois’ broken system.
Taken out of context, it sounded a bit like words from Barack Obama’s first presidential campaign.
“It’s an exciting time, but a difficult time," Gov. Rauner said. "We need your help, we need you to talk to your friends, neighbors, relatives, fellow church members, make sure to advocate for the changes.”
But the “change” Rauner’s referring to is his refusal to raise taxes. He says that would hurt Illinois working families. Meantime, the state continues to operate without a budget for 21 months, during which time many state employees and social service agencies have gone unpaid.
Rauner didn’t stray from his usual talking points that include his efforts to reduce unnecessary government and support for small businesses. Still, former Peoria City Clerk Mary Hanes was impressed by what the Governor had to say.
“I’m supportive of what he’s trying to do, he needs some help from our senators and our representatives to get behind him and convince the other side to work with us to get Illinois back on track,” Hanes said.
Hanes, a Republican, says Rauner hasn’t been able to perform to his potential due to the gridlock in Springfield.
The Governor's visit to Peoria was one of nine stops on a two-day, campaign-style tour across the state. Rauner denies it's part of his re-election campaign.