Tory Dahlhoff
CorrespondentTory Dahlhoff is a freelance reporter based at WCBU. He's also the host of the food and farming podcast Food Trek.
Tory has a varied background in multimedia production that includes TV and film, radio, print, and graphic design. He has also worked in the field of community and economic development in the Greater Peoria region with a focus on agriculture, food systems, and rural matters. He holds a bachelor's in Journalism from Bradley University and is currently pursuing a master's in Community Economic Development at Western Illinois University.
He is originally from Belleville and landed in Peoria in 2012 following years living and working in media production in both Chicago and Los Angeles. He is a husband and father of three adorable kids. He plays guitar and enjoys some occasional side work as a touring musician.
This week on Food Trek, host Tory Dahlhoff explores why the number of Black farmers and the amount of farmland owned by Black farmers has dwindled significantly in not just Illinois, but all across the United States over the last century.
In Episode 9 of the food and farming series Food Trek, Tory Dahlhoff and co-producer Allison Walsh check in with the Central Illinois FarmFED Cooperative in Mount Pulaski, in Logan County.
Today on Food Trek, host Tory Dahlhoff searches out the real definition of farming's biggest buzz word of the last few years: regenerative agriculture. Where did the term come from, and what does it really mean?
Today on Food Trek, host Tory Dahlhoff searches out the real definition of farming's biggest buzz word of the last few years: regenerative agriculture. Where did the term come from, and what does it really mean?
Hospital food is not typically known for being local and organic, nor does it usually inspire the tastebuds. But a pilot project at OSF St. Francis Medical Center aims to change that, one breakfast meal at a time. Food Trek host Tory Dahlhoff has the story.
Hospital food is not typically known for being local and organic, nor does it usually inspire the tastebuds. But a pilot project at OSF St. Francis Medical Center aims to change that, one breakfast meal at a time. Food Trek host Tory Dahlhoff has the story.
Today on Food Trek: We're heading over to Ashkum, Illinois, to hear from Harold Wilken and Jill Brockman-Cummings about the origins of Janie's Farm and Mill, an organic flour powerhouse that has worked against the grain of the conventional farm and food system.
Today on Food Trek: Host Tory Dahlhoff pulls the old food truck out of the garage, airs up the tires, swaps out the fryer grease, fires up the grill, and hits the road with Chef Ryan Smith to cook and chat with the owners of Sous Chef, a small grocery in downtown Peoria where they have written their own recipe for connecting local farmers to the community.
Today on Food Trek: Host Tory Dahlhoff pulls the old food truck out of the garage, airs up the tires, swaps out the fryer grease, fires up the grill, and hits the road with Chef Ryan Smith to cook and chat with the owners of Sous Chef, a small grocery in downtown Peoria where they have written their own recipe for connecting local farmers to the community.
Your Food Trek tour guide Tory Dahlhoff explores what it will take to make a local food system work. And it's not just more farmers.