Jordan Mead
InternJordan Mead is a reporting intern at WCBU. She joined the station in 2021.
Jordan is also a student at Illinois State University.
Community Health Partnership of Illinois is a federally supported organization that provides health care and support to Illinois migrant and seasonal workers.
Battling an eating disorder looks different for every person who struggles with it. It's an ongoing fight for many, including in the Peoria area.
El Centro de Bienvenida apoya a los inmigrantes de Peoria, independientemente del estatus migratorioWestern Illinois Dreamers es una organización que prioriza las necesidades de los inmigrantes y personas cuya primera lengua no es el inglés, independientemente de su estatus migratorio y documentación. Y la organización está abriendo un Centro de Bienvenida de Peoria para la gente que necesita ayuda para encontrar los recursos comunitarios, los servicios legales y otras necesidades.La presidenta y CEO de Western Illinois Dreamers es Julia Albarracin-Green, y la directora del Centro de Bienvenida de Peoria es Laura Vargas. Ellas ven una gran necesidad en Peoria de proteger los derechos de los inmigrantes.
The Western Illinois Dreamers is an organization that prioritizes the needs of immigrants and non-native English speakers regardless of their legal documentation status. And the organization is opening a Welcoming Center in Peoria for people needing help finding community resources, legal services and other needs.
Teen pregnancy doesn't mean education has to stop for the parents, and that's certainly true for teen moms in Peoria, because of the work of the Westminster Infant Care Center.
The International Union for the Conservation of Nature put the Monarch Butterfly on its Red List of Endangered species this July. Climate change and habitat destruction are some of the biggest reasons for the drop in Monarchs.Groups like the Central Illinois Monarch Butterfly Task Force are taking a stand now to prevent further endangerment under the Endangered Species Act. Katie Ehnle is a passionate member of the Central Illinois Monarch Butterfly Task Force.
Peoria's population has gone down in the last decade. And with Caterpillar moving its headquarters, the question 'what's next for Peoria?' exists. Seeing the need to draw people to Peoria, the Asian Indian Community Collaboration is a group of professionals that are investing in the lives of people now to spark change for Peoria's future. This is all done through volunteerism and philanthropic efforts.
Hotel and tourism took a big hit when COVID put a stop to travel in 2020, and Peoria's tourism revenue suffered from the lack of visitors. More than two years later, travel to Peoria and hotel occupancy is trending upward, but numbers are still not meeting pre-pandemic levels.
Putting a stop to high crime, drug and domestic violence rates in Peoria starts with investing in the youth. Product of the Project sees this need and serves Peoria kids ages 5 through 18 through mentorship and year-round classes on how to develop strong character. Antwaun Banks is the Founder and CEO of Product of the Project.
The Peoria Area Speech Language Hearing Association, or PASHA for short, is partnering with Advanced Medical Transport and the Peoria Area EMS to create more than 200 Augmentative and Alternative Communication Boards for emergency responders. These boards will help patients who have trouble verbally communicating receive proper treatment.