House Speaker Michael Madigan announced he would suspend his campaign for House Speaker of the 102nd General Assembly on Monday, but his statement made…
Illinois House Speaker Michael Madigan continues to push back against accusations that his office mishandled sexual harassment complaints. The Speaker…
With Illinois heading toward a third straight year without a budget, Illinois Republicans presented a familiar "compromise" spending and reform plan…
Democratic leaders in the Illinois General Assembly are congratulating their colleagues for adopting a partial-year budget plan but warn that serious work…
Illinois political leaders’ performance on the budget is reminiscent of the losingest team in modern baseball.
Gov. Bruce Rauner implored voters tired of budget deadlock to call Democratic legislators and ask them to return to the capital to vote on Republican…
Governor Bruce Rauner continues to publicly hammer lawmakers for canceling today's session in Springfield. It's kicked off the latest round of a war of…
After a speech to school superintendents at the regional alternative school in Bloomington, Governor Bruce Rauner told one of them "hang on, it's going...
On Wednesday, tempers at the capitol flared; but Thursday the legislature's top Republicans shifted toward an optimistic stance on the budget situation.
Illinois Republican leaders say they're encouraged by Democrats' willingness to negotiate a deal to end an 11-month budget stalemate despite House…