The lobbying around the graduated income tax amendment backed by Gov. JBPritzker and Democrats is ramping up.Business groups announced a new organization…
A coalition of Illinois business groups is launching a new campaign against the graduated income tax constitutional amendment voters will consider on…
The Illinois House has endorsed the idea of switching to a graduated income tax. Democrats who control the House voted 61-52 Tuesday on a resolution…
Illinois House Republicans are lashing out at a Democratic suggestion that the state should adopt a graduated income tax.Minority Leader Jim Durkin of…
All the Democratic candidates for governor except Robert Marshall support a graduated state income tax in Illinois. But only Tio Hardiman and State…
It’s been two years since Illinois Governor Bruce Rauner unveiled his Republican “Turnaround Agenda.” Today, a group of rank-and-file Democratic…
Illinois House Democrats abandoned a plan to increase taxes on millionaires if voters approved in November. Democratic state Rep. Christian Mitchell…
A plan to move Illinois to a graduated income tax is dead. Wednesday was the final scheduled session day for lawmakers to advance it. Instead, the...
Educators from Illinois schools and universities are pushing for a graduated income tax to generate revenue for public education and human services.…
A group of activists are working to end Illinois' flat income tax. They say they've gathered more than 150-thousand signatures so far, and are making…