The Republicans in Illinois' congressional delegation are asking President Trump not to grant former Gov. Rod Blagojevich clemency.Trump has said he is…
Illinois Gov. Bruce Rauner has granted five petitions for clemency and denied 97 others.The Republican's office announced the action Wednesday, saying…
Illinois Gov. Bruce Rauner has granted seven petitions for clemency and denied 87 others.The Illinois Prisoner Review Board says the cases granted include…
A federal appeals court again has rejected a request from former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich for a rehearing on his request for another resentencing.…
Illinois Gov. Bruce Rauner has granted five petitions for clemency and denied 197 others. The Illinois Prisoner Review Board says the granted cases…
Lawyers for former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich have asked for another hearing before the same three-judge panel that affirmed his 14-year prison…
CHICAGO (AP) - The Illinois Prisoner Review Board is being asked to intervene on behalf of an Army veteran with a green card who faces deportation because…
President Barack Obama is leaving office without granting early prison release to former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich. Obama released a list of his final…
Illinois Gov. Bruce Rauner has eliminated a backlog of more than 2,000 clemency requests he inherited from previous administrations. Rauner says acting on…
Gov. Bruce Rauner has granted eight pardons and denied 118 other petitions for clemency. Rauner granted pardons and expungements for three people…