U.S. Rep. Darin LaHood (R-Peoria) is criticizing President Donald Trump’s decision to withdraw U.S. forces from northern Syria.
Days after Trump announced the drawback, Turkey invaded northern Syria in an effort to push out the Kurds.
LaHood said it leaves America’s Kurdish allies exposed to Turkish aggression.
“The Kurds have been our allies. They helped us when we defeated ISIS in Syria. They helped us when we defeated ISIS in Iraq. To abandon them on the battlefield, I think, is a mistake," said LaHood.
Turkish ground forces invaded northern Syria Wednesday.
“We have to stand by our allies that have been with us. And I think you’re seeing today, Turkey moving into Syria, could set up those Kurds for a slaughter, in some respects," he said.
The Kurdish forces were America’s main ally fighting ISIS on the ground during the Syrian conflict.
Trump’s move earlier this week was roundly criticized on both sides of the aisle. LaHood said he's talking to the president and his administration about his concerns.