The delay in getting a state education budget means some school districts are still making budgetary adjustments. But it seems positive in the case of Peoria Public Schools.
The District 150 Board unanimously approved its amended budget.
Mick Willis is the Chief Financial Officer of Peoria Public Schools. He says the new budget reflects an estimated $1.8 Million increase in general state aid.
“When we reviewed a budget back in August we predicted at that time an operating deficit at that time of $2.2 million. That projection now is $1.7 million.”
Willis says the new Peoria Public School budget also factors in a $1.5 million reduction in the corporate personal property replacement tax.
The district plans to spend $198.8 million to operate this school year.
Precise general state aid funding is still being calculated on the new evidence-based funding formula. It may be December before the state’s more 850 school districts know exactly how much they’ll receive in general state aid.
Board Approves Safe Haven on First Reading
Peoria District 150 Schools have so-called “Safe Haven” status, starting Tues.
The Peoria Public School Board last night unanimously approved a resolution that essentially protects the information of immigrant students and families, regardless of legal status. The school board approved the resolution on first reading, rather than waiting for two weeks to approve it.
Zach Gittrich is with the immigrant rights group No Ban No Wall. He says getting Safe Haven for Peoria schools is a model for other local governments to take a similar position.
“District 150 showed real leadership in an otherwise leaderless state,” Gittrich said. “They’ve set the standard for not only other districts but hopefully the city and the county and hopefully the state to all become welcoming for immigrants and refugees.”
A resolution is typically a statement of opinion or intent by a public body. Regardless Superintendent Dr. Sharon Desmoulin-Kherat says the district will honor the resolution in daily practice.
She says it's important for the district to do what it can to ease the fear of deportation for students and their families. The superintendent says that kind of anxiety gets in the way of learning.