The League of Women Voters of Greater Peoria is in the process of hosting candidate forums prior to the November 8th election. But they are also offering a workshop to help those who are considering running for elected office.
Cheryl Budzinski is the president of the League. She says ICC, the NAACP and the League are working together on the candidate classes.
She says the first class, Monday night had 19 people. “We were surprised. We were told in previous classes it could be seven people would come to the class. So 19 is wonderful, and it’s a very diverse group, just a good cross section of the community.”
Next week the class is talking numbers, including walking door to door, and campaign money matters. The final week focuses on how candidates communicate, including dealing with the print media and speeches.
Budzinski says there is a fee for the class that covers the cost of materials. She says if more people sign up, they can get the handouts from Monday night’s class.
Link to the candidate classes offered by ICC, NAACP and the League of Women Voter of Greater Peoria.