Chicago universities and community leaders have launched efforts aimed at addressing mental health concerns unique to immigrants living in the country…
Peoria’s diversity was on full display during a pro-immigrant rally at the Gateway Building Sun.About 120 people gathered to listen to a lineup of 10…
Immigrant and refugee groups were pushing their legislative agenda today in the Illinois Capitol. They want the state to restore adult English classes and…
The top Capitol Hill Democrats from Illinois say they believe President Donald Trump's revised travel ban is unconstitutional and won't survive legal…
The U.S. has taken in nearly 270,000 immigrants and refugees during the past decade from the seven countries affected by President Donald Trump's travel…
Republican members of Congress from Illinois are divided on President Trump's executive order on refugees and immigrants. So far, three of Illinois' seven…
CHICAGO (AP) - Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel is calling on city residents to show immigrants that they are welcome through actions such as hosting a meal or…
SPRINGFIELD, Ill. (AP) - Students at the University of Illinois Springfield are collecting clothing to donate to refugees fleeing war-torn Syria. Groups…
As lawmakers in Springfield continue to fight over a state budget, service agencies across Illinois are beginning to operate in a reduced capacity.…