Caterpillar has settled a long-running tax dispute with the Internal Revenue Service.
The U.S. Treasury has ruled that Illinois homeowners who prepaid their 2018 property taxes last year will receive the full state and local tax…
Federal agents continued searching Caterpillars Headquarters building in downtown Peoria overnight. Search warrants were executed yesterday at Caterpillar…
Multiple Federal Law Enforcement agencies executed search warrants at three Caterpillar offices today. Federal agents entered Caterpillar’s World…
Documents submitted to the Internal Revenue Service show that Chicago's Jackie Robinson West baseball team accepted over $300,000 in donations before…
Peoria police are warning residents of a new phone scam. The police department reports those involved with the con are pretending to be with the I-R-S or…
Peoria police says some scammers are taking advantage of tax season to con money out of area victims. The police department is warning residents of a new…
Congressman Aaron Schock says a high ranking IRS official should be prosecuted for misusing her position to target TEA Party based not for profit groups…
US Congressman Aaron Schock wants to expand a religious exemption to the Affordable Care Act. The House passed Schock’s Equitable Access to Care and…
U.S. Congressman Aaron Schock is calling on the acting IRS commissioner to resign after the agency gave extra scrutiny to tea party groups applying for…