Along with the presidential inauguration, another big event is planned in Washington this week. It's called the Women's March and Illinois will be represented. The rally is set for Saturday, the day after Donald Trump is sworn in as president.
Organizers say while it's a protest, it will also be used to send a message to the new administration. They say it's not just about women's rights, but human rights. It's bringing together activists and those who have been less outspoken, like Debbie Bandy of Springfield. She is related to central Illinois Republican congressman Rodney Davis:
"Yes I am his sister. I love him dearly. He is my baby brother, but we do have different political beliefs in some areas. In others, we have similar political beliefs. I can't let that get in the way of me doing what I think needs to be done to preserve and protect our precious democracy."Bandy will be among a group traveling by bus to Washington. Rallies will also be held Saturday in communities across the state and the country.