Nine people were charged with felonies Tuesday in Peoria County Court in connection with the riots and looting that unfolded earlier this week. State's Attorney Jodi Hoos said a handful more are in bonding court Wednesday. The charges involve business burglary and mob action. Hoos said those charged could face anywhere from 2 to 30 years in prison, depending on their criminal background.
"If they have prior felony cases, that can extend them. Also, depending on the amounts or the circumstances of the break in, they may be eligible for extended sentences, as well," she said.
Hoos said even more were changed with traffic misdemeanors for fleeing and eluding police.
She said a number of youth were also arrested, but those cases will be hashed out in juvenile court.
Hoos is also reminding business owners to think twice before taking the law into their own hands amid civil unrest.
She said business owners are allowed to protect their property. But in order to use deadly force, they would have to prove they felt their life was being threatened. She said it's not enough that they just broke in.
"A business owner, even if they're not charged criminally, they open themselves up to a huge civil lawsuit that could go on for years," she said.
She said that's true even if the shooting is justified, and owners stand to lose their business, home -- everything.
Hoos said to her knowledge, no business owners have been arrested for defending their buildings so far.
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